“A Rural School Growing Futures, Nurturing Life Long Learners”
Tena Koutou Katoa
We warmly welcome you to Waihao Downs School. We are a full primary school catering for New Entrants to Year 8 students. Our school is a wee gem set in the country-side on the Hakataramea Highway.
“The way in which the young sapling is nurtured, determines how the tree will grow”
“ Te piko o te māhuri, tērā te tipu o te rākau
Waihao Downs prides itself on providing our students with an engaging and diverse curriculum. We have high expectations for learning and behaviour and we support our students to work towards reaching their full potential across the curriculum.
We are fortunate to have very professional, capable staff who work collaboratively to ensure they are providing the best possible education for our students.
Working in partnership with our families is important to us and we value their contribution to our school.
Building a strong community spirit is also a school priority
We are a zoned school but we do invite you to find out more about our wonderful school and welcome any enquiries.
Our Vision
Our vision is to be 'A Rural School Growing Futures, Nurturing Life Long Learners.'
We aim to support children to be: confident, curious, conscientious, considerate and effective communicators.
To support these outcomes, the school’s current strategic goals are to help children to:
achieve personal and academic success
learn in a safe and challenging environment
develop the strategies and skills to be active, adaptable, lifelong learners
achieve well in Literacy and Numeracy.
View School Charter
Concerns & Complaints 2022 Flow Chart
School Calendar
School Dates
Dates for 2025
Term 1:
Monday, February 3 - Friday, April 11
Public holiday: Waitangi – February 6
Term 2:
Monday, April 28 - Friday, June 27
Public holidays: King’s Birthday – June 2; Matariki - June 20
Term 3:
Monday, July 14 to Friday, September 19
South Canterbury Anniversary - September 22
Term 4:
Monday, 6 October to Tuesday, December 16
Public holiday: Labour Day – October 27
Prizegiving: Friday, December 12